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Can you prevent nursing home abuse?

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2021 | Nursing Home Abuse

Putting your loved one in a nursing home in South Carolina may leave you feeling unable to provide protection. While this is true to some degree, your vigilance and consistent concern can improve the safety and well-being of your family member.

When you know which behaviors can deter and prevent nursing home abuse, you can keep your loved one safer. You can also recognize warning signs before it is too late.

Observe facility procedures

You probably did considerable research in the months leading up to your family member’s transition into a nursing home. While the information you gathered may have aided in your decision, you can never know for certain if the facility you have chosen will meet your expectations. According to Women Fitness Magazine, a facility’s administration upholds the legal responsibility to establish policies and procedures that meet ethical and moral standards.

You can ask the administration about their methods for handling certain issues that may arise. Know the process for reporting complaints. When you visit your loved one, observe the way the staff treats each patient and how they operate under pressure. This firsthand observation can say volumes about whether or not the staff upholds the mission they claim online and elsewhere.

Establish a visitation schedule

Regularly visiting your family member provides ample opportunity for you to identify warning signs. Watch for unexplainable injuries, changes to your loved one’s personality and poor grooming. Maintain open communication with you family member and encourage information sharing. Ask about social activities and inquire about new relationships.

If you do recognize suspicious behavior and begin to question the safety of your loved one, report your concerns right away. If your adherence to the facility’s procedures for issuing a complaint does not work, contact local authorities and if possible, remove your family member from the facility.